Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Arkansas Museum

What I know:
There wasn't much I knew about this topic but from the name of the museum I assumed it was a museum based on acheivements of the African American culter.
What I want to know:
I would like to know some specific people and some specific things that they did to brouden my outlook on the African American culture.
What I know now:
I now know from reading the article that this museum is focused on collecting and preserving African American history and all the acheivment that African Amercans have recieved and accomplished through out all of history.
What I want to know still:
I still would like to know the names of some of the people who are presented in the museum and what they have accomplished.

Uncle CEO

Check Comprehension
1.Why has the government taken over some U.S. firms?
A: The companies are loosing money fast because of the horrible economy which acually causes more problems and more companies to do horrible.
2. What firms has the government taken over?
A:The companies the government have taken over are Fannie mae, Freddie mac, and AIG
3. What is a bailout?
A: A bailout is when the goverment buy a large part of a company to give it money to keep it going. Hopefully this will keep the business runing long enough for them to get back on their own feet.
4.Why does David Walker have doubts about the bailout?
David walker doesnt think the government has the "Core Competency" to run the businesses
5. What did Daniel Mitchell say about the bailout?
A:He said the officials are making smart decisions about how to run the firms
1. Do you think it is a good idea for the government to take over and run some U.S. forms? Why or why not?
A:No i defently do not think it is a good idea, if they plan on not interfering with the business and sell all of the company they bought back at the same price then it is a good idea. the goverment taking over businesses is a type of socialism and thats not a good image for america to have spending so many years working on the government that we have.
2. Would you agree with Daniel Mitchell that government officials are "doing the wrong thing in the best way possible"? Why or why not?
A: I don't think doing the wrong things is a good thing but if they are able to recover better and smarter then before then it can't hurt to much.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Name

1) The narrator of this story is Esperanza.
2) The name was given to her after her grandmother.
3) Her name in english means hope.
4) In spanish her name means, "To many letters."
5) Both she and her great- grandmother are called horse wemon because they were both born in the year of the horse.
6) She would like to baptize herself under a new name such as "Zeze the x."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Texting article

After reading the article I will no change my texting habbits. I use common sense while walking and texting, I look several feet in front of me to make sure nothing is there before i look down to text. I woul NEVER cross the street wile look down at my phone I think the text can wait ten seconds before crossing the road. I don't text while driving but somtimes I pull over or if i know the stop light is going to be long i will read or write somthing real quick but I have stopped texting while driving last year. I don't think its the texting that is the problem i think it is the people lacking the common sense that are the problem, not only with texting but they ruin a lot of things for us.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 7 Paragraph (activity sheet)

The election is a very popular event therefore i know a lot of information about it. Basically I know all about the candidates and what they stand for. There isn't much else I would like to know about this topic, I pretty much know all I want to know.

In my reading I leanred about the nation debt. The national dept is over ten trillion dollars. I am not a very political person especially if I don't agree with either candidates. So there isn't much i need to know about the election.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Commenting on narritives won't get us into good conversations, so post here and tell me about yourself maybe we can talk about somthing interesting instead of thanksgiving and hurricanes.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Narrative Sept 30

Evan Johnson
EDUC 108


The smell of the crescents in the oven being warmed makes the feel of thanksgiving. The way the table was set so all the food was in reach so we could feel our plates fast. I never cared much for turkey, it was always draw and I wasn’t a big gravy person, but we would always have ham to supplement it. Never really cared much for the time chatting with family but the food was always great, a nice spread of so many different food and smells made the all day of waiting worth it.

So many different platters were set on the table; deviled eggs, crescents, ham, potatoes, and so much more. I usually take all the favorites so I don’t miss out on them. Then I take the things that my aunt supplied a lot of. I make sure I get all the good food first. So many things to eat but up you always need to save room, because desert is the best part.

Cheesecake was always my favorite and the favorite of most of the family. We also always have a supply of brownies, cookies, and cakes. I always grab some milk and a plate full of cookies with a slice of the delicious cheesecake. After my stomach gets bloated and I can’t eat anymore we say our goodbyes and we go home where we watch TV and go to bed. For most people thanksgiving is about the family, but for me it’s about the food.