Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moral Education of Childrenm

Evan Johnson
Pr. Deforest Westry
EDUC 108 M03

Children’s Moral Education

When you are a child you are very influential. Your parents are the biggest cause of this. This is a good thing but also if not used correctly it can be foul. Parents teach their children morals, even if they don’t know it. They still get the morals from the way their parents live. Children absorb the acts that you do and repeat them. Parents need to be role models for their children. The only person parents can blame for their child acting out is themselves.
Teaching your child morals and respect is a large part of raising a child. If you don’t teach your child these things they will learn the wrong ones from other people. In these days almost no one teaches their children about morals. Even if they do teach their children it is hard for them to keep the lessons because of other people. The best thing you can do is have respect and morals yourself and that eventually it rubs off on your children. Teach them everything you can about it and they will grow up with them. No one else can raise your child correct except for you. Make them grow up respectful and full of morals so that don’t end up a criminal.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The story of an hour Questions

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate ChopinStudy Questions

1. The story says Mrs. Mallard “had loved him [her husband]–sometimes. Often she did not.” If she was “often” not in love with him, why did she marry him?

A:She wasnt very happy in her relationship and the married had a lot of problems.

2. What was life like for Mrs. Mallard in the home of Brently Mallard?

A:She was most likely always in an argument and never loving to her husband. If she is never happy how can she be loving.

3. In the report of the train accident, Brently Mallard's name was at the top of the list of fatalities (Paragraph 2). Does this information mean that Mallard was an important citizen in his community? Does it also suggest that perhaps Louise married him, in part, because of his standing in the community?

A:I think the fact his name was first on the list was just a coincidence

4. Do you believe Brently Mallard mistreated his wife? In answering this question, keep in mind the following: (1) In Paragraph 13, Louise Mallard recalls that Brently was kind and that "he had never looked save with love upon her." (2) However, Paragraph 8 had previously informed the reader that Mrs. Mallard's face "bespoke repression," and Paragraph 14 says Brently had a "powerful will bending her."

A: I dont think that he mistreated his wife i think that he just dindnt give her enouhg attention to make her happy

5. How much of Mrs. Mallard's apparent unhappiness in her marriage was her own fault?

It was atleast half her fault because she is the one that choise to marry him with out thinking about it clearly

6. After Mrs. Mallard receives news that her husband died in a train accident, she goes to “her room.” Do these two words mean that she slept separately from her husband? Does the fact that no children are named in the story indeed indicate that she and her husband slept apart?

A: No it doesnt mean that they slept in differnt rooms. Most people call their and their spouses room "There room."

7. Research the life of Kate Chopin (1851-1904). Then decide whether the death of her husband in 1882 influenced her when she wrote “The Story of an Hour,” published in 1894 in Vogue magazine.

I think it did because you right better about thing that you experience in your life.

8. Did author Chopin herself face problems similar to those of Mrs. Mallard?

I'm sure she did because that most likely why she wrote this article. It probably remined her about her experience.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The story of an hour Summary

Evan Johnson
Pr. Deforest Westry
EDUC 108 M03

“The story of an hour”

After the death of Mr. Millard informing Mrs. Mallard of the death of her husband was a big problem. She had a bad heart condition that could cause a heart attack if she has too much excitement or stress. They were able to tell her without any problems. Mrs. Mallard didn’t show sadness when she found out this news but she felt a little happy. She felt free from her husband and free in her life. Her family member thought she was in her room trying to kill herself, but she was really holding back her excitement for being free. In those times divorce was frowned upon and could ruin a reputation. She did grieve for her husband and knew she would again after seeing the body but she thought about all the time she would have to herself. It made her happy thinking that she didn’t have him holding her back. Finally she opened the door for her sister who had been pleading for her to do so. Her sister thought she was trying to kill herself, but she was doing far from that. She was beginning to live again. Her and sister walk down the stairs and when they reached the bottom, the front door was opening and Brently Mallard, her husband, opened the door. Brently was far away from the accident and didn’t even hear about it. Mrs. Mallard collapsed and died from her heart disease because so many emotions were going through her as she saw her husband.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Domino Effect

1.) If america can't trade they cannot spend money on products from other countries and it causes them to loose money.
2.) People received high risk loans and they could not afford to pay their mortgage.
3.) If people don't spend money then others don't make money.
4.) If no one spends money then the states don't recieve taxes on the products.
5.) Brain sack said there is another row of dominoes starting to tip.
6.) They have stopped giving out high risk loans and made it hard to get a loan, because they don't want more money gone.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Arkansas Museum

What I know:
There wasn't much I knew about this topic but from the name of the museum I assumed it was a museum based on acheivements of the African American culter.
What I want to know:
I would like to know some specific people and some specific things that they did to brouden my outlook on the African American culture.
What I know now:
I now know from reading the article that this museum is focused on collecting and preserving African American history and all the acheivment that African Amercans have recieved and accomplished through out all of history.
What I want to know still:
I still would like to know the names of some of the people who are presented in the museum and what they have accomplished.

Uncle CEO

Check Comprehension
1.Why has the government taken over some U.S. firms?
A: The companies are loosing money fast because of the horrible economy which acually causes more problems and more companies to do horrible.
2. What firms has the government taken over?
A:The companies the government have taken over are Fannie mae, Freddie mac, and AIG
3. What is a bailout?
A: A bailout is when the goverment buy a large part of a company to give it money to keep it going. Hopefully this will keep the business runing long enough for them to get back on their own feet.
4.Why does David Walker have doubts about the bailout?
David walker doesnt think the government has the "Core Competency" to run the businesses
5. What did Daniel Mitchell say about the bailout?
A:He said the officials are making smart decisions about how to run the firms
1. Do you think it is a good idea for the government to take over and run some U.S. forms? Why or why not?
A:No i defently do not think it is a good idea, if they plan on not interfering with the business and sell all of the company they bought back at the same price then it is a good idea. the goverment taking over businesses is a type of socialism and thats not a good image for america to have spending so many years working on the government that we have.
2. Would you agree with Daniel Mitchell that government officials are "doing the wrong thing in the best way possible"? Why or why not?
A: I don't think doing the wrong things is a good thing but if they are able to recover better and smarter then before then it can't hurt to much.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Name

1) The narrator of this story is Esperanza.
2) The name was given to her after her grandmother.
3) Her name in english means hope.
4) In spanish her name means, "To many letters."
5) Both she and her great- grandmother are called horse wemon because they were both born in the year of the horse.
6) She would like to baptize herself under a new name such as "Zeze the x."