Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Colin Powell

Evan Johnson
Deforest Westry

Colin Powel

1) They visited top hill Jamaica because that’s where Colin Powel is from and where most of his family lives now
2) They got into the jeep and drove until the road became too narrow then got out and walked to the camp where he saw his family. He instantly knew that it was his family without being told.
3) It seemed quite a while because he had to take a jeep for a while then walk for fifteen minutes even after getting out of the jeep.
4) There were several groups, some wore old battered cloths and others wore nice colorful cloths. There were old young and middle aged people that came out to greet him, and he treated them all with respect.
5) He just had that feeling he has the intuition and see it in their faces.
6) He reacted this way because he hadn’t seen his family ever; it was a great feeling and event to finally see all of his family after all these years. I would probably react the same way, I would be really excited and glad to see everyone
7) No all of my extended family lives close by me or close by my dad so I always see them whenever I visit.
8) I can’t think of a time where I have ever met someone important but I hope one day to, because it is an exciting feeling to meet someone you can brag about meeting or say the name and everyone knows it.
9) “we arrived at top hill, the land of my fathers birth” is the topic sentence for the second paragraph and the first paragraph doesn’t really have a clear topic sentence.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week three (speaking style)

1) Sakomoto used western style conversation and when she talked to people from japan they were confused that she would interupt them wile they talked
2) When she was compairing she compaired tennis to the western style of speaking
3)You constantly hit the same ball back and fourth
4)She used bowling to compiar it to
5)A)No taking turns
B) in japan its considered rude
C) In japan they start a new topic after the first one is done, but pause in between
D) If you arent included in the conversation being spoken you will be considered rude if you talk
6)The main idea and thesis is the compairison of the two speaking types, western and eastern
7) she Lived in both areas and she was able to experience it
9)even if she grew up one way she needs to be the other in different areas
10) no most of my conversations have all been the same, they were all western style and people would just interupt each other and get into the conversations
11)Western but i do hate it when people interupt in the middle of a sentence and disturpt my thoughts

Monday, September 22, 2008

Compair and Contrast

There are threww major car class types out there; Muscle, Exotic, and tuner. Muscle cars are suually american made and have large loud engines. Tuners are usually small engines no bigger than four cylinders but consist of complex engineering and performance to gain speed. Muscle cars are all power straight from the v6+ engine. In the end tuner or muscle they are both fast and fun to drive from a v8 supercharged mustang to a 2.0 turboed eclipse.

Muscle cars
big engines
straight power
usually coupe
Engine sound


Tuner cars
Small engine
Techinical power
Exhaust sound

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike

1) I used reading strategies that i learned such as picking out the important information and taking not of them. I made sure there were no distractions to take me out of focus wile reading.

2) The details of the sotry were basically just the facts about the hurricane and how dangerous it was. It told people that they will be killed if they stayed, they didnt sugar coat anything they wanted to make sure people were going to evacuate ASAP because the danger of the storm.

3) Topic Sentence "Residents living in single-family homes in some parts of coastal Texas face 'certain death' if they do not heed orders to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Ike's arrival, the National Weather Service said Thursday night."


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My learning Style Continued

If the book has a movie it would probably help to watch the movie first, because I am a visual learner. Then I have a main idea for when im reading and my mind can spark when I come to parts that are similar and it will keep me interested. Turn of my cellphone and tell everyone that I am reading and can't deal with any distractions. Take the phone and put it in a room that I am not in so I can't check it. Taking the time to make a time chart for each section so I have a reasonable limit to get to a certain section. All these Learning Styles will definentally help me pay attention while im reading.

My Learning Style

When im reading i get distracted easily. My mind wonders when I loose interest in the topic. Somtimes when im reading i get texts and it makes me think of other things. When I'm reading i need to be thinking about the book and nothing else. Most of the time I need to read in a quite place, but if I am reading in a loud place i will need music. The music I can get used to and ignore but the conversations I can't. The times of day I like to read are mostly before i go to sleep, but i can only do that if I'm not to tired. In the early afternoon when im fully awake and have nothing to think about is the best time for me to read, I'm not tired and I have no distractions to make my mind wonder. These are the problems I have when im reading and I hope to find more ways to keep my mind on the reading material and less on other things.

Self Introduction

Hey everyone this is my first blog for NYIT and it is for EDUC 108.