Thursday, October 16, 2008

Texting article

After reading the article I will no change my texting habbits. I use common sense while walking and texting, I look several feet in front of me to make sure nothing is there before i look down to text. I woul NEVER cross the street wile look down at my phone I think the text can wait ten seconds before crossing the road. I don't text while driving but somtimes I pull over or if i know the stop light is going to be long i will read or write somthing real quick but I have stopped texting while driving last year. I don't think its the texting that is the problem i think it is the people lacking the common sense that are the problem, not only with texting but they ruin a lot of things for us.


Milana said...

its smart that u use common sense. beacuse some people dont look several feet in front of them and just walk.

Cookie Monster JR said...

evan u got 2 stop texting andd go vote for barack obama
so we could win

Anonymous said...

Good for you, thinking smart, but many people say they use common sence,when don't have the need for it.

leezie012 said...

hahah cookie monster is so lame , good opinion :D

George said...

It is goood that you use common sense and that you are very careful.