Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The story of an hour Questions

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate ChopinStudy Questions

1. The story says Mrs. Mallard “had loved him [her husband]–sometimes. Often she did not.” If she was “often” not in love with him, why did she marry him?

A:She wasnt very happy in her relationship and the married had a lot of problems.

2. What was life like for Mrs. Mallard in the home of Brently Mallard?

A:She was most likely always in an argument and never loving to her husband. If she is never happy how can she be loving.

3. In the report of the train accident, Brently Mallard's name was at the top of the list of fatalities (Paragraph 2). Does this information mean that Mallard was an important citizen in his community? Does it also suggest that perhaps Louise married him, in part, because of his standing in the community?

A:I think the fact his name was first on the list was just a coincidence

4. Do you believe Brently Mallard mistreated his wife? In answering this question, keep in mind the following: (1) In Paragraph 13, Louise Mallard recalls that Brently was kind and that "he had never looked save with love upon her." (2) However, Paragraph 8 had previously informed the reader that Mrs. Mallard's face "bespoke repression," and Paragraph 14 says Brently had a "powerful will bending her."

A: I dont think that he mistreated his wife i think that he just dindnt give her enouhg attention to make her happy

5. How much of Mrs. Mallard's apparent unhappiness in her marriage was her own fault?

It was atleast half her fault because she is the one that choise to marry him with out thinking about it clearly

6. After Mrs. Mallard receives news that her husband died in a train accident, she goes to “her room.” Do these two words mean that she slept separately from her husband? Does the fact that no children are named in the story indeed indicate that she and her husband slept apart?

A: No it doesnt mean that they slept in differnt rooms. Most people call their and their spouses room "There room."

7. Research the life of Kate Chopin (1851-1904). Then decide whether the death of her husband in 1882 influenced her when she wrote “The Story of an Hour,” published in 1894 in Vogue magazine.

I think it did because you right better about thing that you experience in your life.

8. Did author Chopin herself face problems similar to those of Mrs. Mallard?

I'm sure she did because that most likely why she wrote this article. It probably remined her about her experience.